Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A two-fer!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So, I’ve told you several times before that retail stores are just itchin’ to have a sale. Any reason they can think of, and they’re going to bust out with a sale. Going through the Sunday paper reminded me of just that. Father’s Day is a perfect reason to have a sale on gifts for Dad, even if it is a stretch to see Dad in a floral apron or some designer perfume – it’s still all on sale.

I did notice, however, that a lot of apparel is on sale for men right now. Because my husband has a new job where he needs to be dressed a bit more formally than before, I am looking for ways to build his wardrobe without collapsing the bank account. JC Penney, Kohl’s and Target are all running specials on their polo shirts, dress shirts and neck ties. I purchased two polo-style shirts for my husband at Target for $6 each. Yes! The shirts I purchased were “athletic cut” shirts (designed for our broad shouldered/chested beaus) and they fit him very nicely. Their patterned, striped, and solid polos are on sale for $6, $8, and $10 each. Kohl’s and JC Penney each boasted $9.99 for their entire stock of polo-style shirts.

Although I purchased my husband’s Father’s Day gift several months ago, I was able to capitalize on specials for Father’s Day to meet other needs. Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for things that you may want to tuck away for Christmas, Hanukah, or a birthday. You will save some serious cash, and all you’ll have to do is remember to wrap it when the time comes. LOVE IT!

Secondly, it is such a strange adjustment when you have been paying for only two meals at restaurants for a number of years. Our 17 month-old daughter is old enough to eat a complete child’s meal at a restaurant, and she’s never met a food she didn’t like. No…really. We are used to spending between $20 and $30 on dinner for the two of us at a medium-caliber restaurant. We are now pushing $40 each time, and we are usually a little bit blown away at the unexpected expense.

What to do about this? Patronize restaurants where kids eat free! Many restaurants, including Dickey’s Barbeque, feature KIDS EAT FREE with the purchase of an adult entrée. Occasionally they will run the special for an entire month, but this special is currently for Sundays only. Applebee’s is offering a free child’s meal with the purchase of an adult entrée on Mondays. Luby’s is currently offering the same promotion. Super Salad frequently sends significant savings through coupons, and they boast a “kids eat free” promotion as well. Having listed these, the majority of these restaurants are not places that I would readily choose if given the option of where to eat. However, if it is the difference between planning, cooking, and cleaning up after a big meal, I could be easily swayed.

Frequenting places where your children eat free could potentially save you enough money to eat out additional times in any given month. A bit of light research for promotions at your favorite dining destination is worth the work!

Now, don’t spill free food on your new polo…

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